The non-stop motion of the "squiggling" outlines reduces the need for more complex animations in order to make a scene feel dynamic.
In 2005 a script compiler was developed and in May 2006 Seamless3d was able to act as a web browser for seamless3d files containing complex scripted animations.
The direction and intensity can be adjusted, and combined with behaviors to create very complex animations quickly and easily.
The simplest animations use a moving viewpoint, while more complex animations can include moving objects: people, vehicles and so on.
The PlayStation 3 will be able to render in real time complex movielike animations that previously took hours to create, Sony executives said.
Now there are films with extensive special effects, smooth production values, complex animation and, increasingly, major stars.
Successive TV commercials have also used increasingly complex animation.
The film features very detailed and complex animation, such as scenes where the entire picture is animated by hand to move in three dimensions: this was achieved without computer-generated imagery.
A new framework, Core Animation, allows a developer to create complex animations while specifying only a "start" and a "goal" space.
The main goal of Core Animation is to enable the creation of complex animations with small amounts of program code.