The energy from the bomb liberated various complex hydrocarbons from the upper layer of the pavement and ignited it -like a great big fuel-air explosive bomb.
Data on this flyby revealed additional chemicals in the plume, including simple and complex hydrocarbons such as propane, ethane, and acetylene.
Some of the missing infrared light is widely presumed to have been absorbed by polycyclic aromatics, complex hydrocarbons similar to the compounds found in coal tar.
Or a thick deposit of peat--think of those complex hydrocarbons.
The gas contains no phenols or complex hydrocarbons.
We've already found plenty of examples of quite complex hydrocarbons and nitrogenous compounds in the soil, very much like the molecules believed to have been precursors of life on Earth.
Instead, the heat, about 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit, breaks the complex hydrocarbons down into simpler molecules, producing a liquid resembling heating oil and a combustible gas, along with some ash.
The Rentech Process can convert syngas from gasification technologies into complex hydrocarbons that then can be upgraded into fuels or chemicals using a refining technology.
Second, the microbial decomposition of complex hydrocarbons from the complex to simple to "simple" hydrocarbons is a complex process.
And because it has a higher hydrogen-carbon ratio than more complex hydrocarbons, natural gas emits less carbon dioxide, which is believed to increase global warming.