These required a lot of riveting and also some complicated mechanical detail where they met the transverse frames.
The constant tinkering with the rules by the competition committee, with ever more complicated detail, is trying for fans, players and officials.
Ever since, the two sides have been meeting to iron out the complicated details that would underpin a treaty.
The trial, which began last week, laid out for public scrutiny all the sad and complicated details of one family's life.
The trial has run through hours of complicated detail about various flaws that led up to the accident.
I will tell you, Kemp, sooner or later, all the complicated details.
"I have made individual pieces with more difficult and complicated details, but this desk is like a sampler of all cabinetmaking skills."
I am going to describe to you the intimate and complicated details of the process of reproduction.
The complicated details a level or two down do not need to be carried upwards indefinitely.
We must acknowledge that he is a person who understands the common agricultural policy in all its extremely complicated detail.