The nurses report to the nursing officer at the health centre, where they refer patients with complicated diseases to be managed by clinical officers.
Osteoporosis is a complicated disease, one that we are still learning about.
Crohn's is a complicated disease and the treatments are always evolving.
"It's one of the most complicated psychosocial diseases we have ever seen," she said.
Some critics ask about ensuring that people understand more complicated Jewish diseases, which may be more typical of genetic diseases in general.
ANDi was created in the hope of finding a cure for complicated human diseases such as cancer.
It seemed impossible to live with this "complicated" disease, and I was miserable.
Cancer is a complicated disease that is not well understood.
Of course, gangrene attacks almost any flesh, but the more complicated diseases are choosy about their hosts.
Sound-bite television has not been helpful to public understanding of this complicated disease - as you may have experienced a few moments ago, Commissioner.