Vetter designed wind-cheating fairings co-ordinated with hard luggage in complimentary colors.
"Multicolored camouflage designs using environmentally complimentary colors may work well," suggested Mr. Giner of the dish-owners association.
Father Flower raises flowers to be sold in market, and each of his flower boxes are arranged so that only flowers with complimentary colors and rhyming names are in adjoining beds.
As a complimentary colour, add dark navy blue for a polished look or washed out blues with a hint of grey for a more faded, vintage version of the trend.
To achieve the "timeless, sophisticated elegance" brief, hair must be a colour "complimentary to skintone," while a "base and full eyes" must be painted on the face.
If trim tiles matching the color of the ordinary tiles you have selected are not available, consider trim tiles in a complimentary color.
After her Ishihara test, it is revealed she is actually a Green and cannot marry Eddie (complimentary colours cannot marry).
I am also aware that there is a physiological reaction related to vision where we can stare at an object for awhile, then look away and see the image in complimentary colors on a light background.
Ms. Applebaum makes no attempt to dress up these shivery and humid marshlands in colors more striking or complimentary than they deserve.
He suggested a combination of three Benjamin Moore colors: Crystal Blue on the ceiling, to offset walls painted Bittersweet Chocolate, with the molding painted a complimentary color, like Mayonnaise.