Now, some authorities fear, the components that make the roadway sticky are gumming up electric lines and causing power failures.
Electrical components, when chewed by pet rabbits, can cause electrocution and burns.
The along-track component of a target's motion causes some defocus.
The first countdown for the biomedical research mission was halted for fear the components might break and cause an engine to fail.
Overloaded and overstressed components within the vehicle's rear suspension system could bend or even break, causing you to lose control on the road.
As the grinding components cause metal flakes to shed from the system, the implant wears down.
They said their study had not determined what component in the red wine caused the migraines, but they ruled out alcohol.
Ultimately, these components will cause analgesia at low doses.
In this way failure of the protocol handling components cannot cause data to bypass the checker.
The lateral component of the normal force would cause the ball to move down the incline.