The solids and liquids of its substance were resolved into their component molecules or atoms.
The air above the pad wavered and the drink was once again reduced to its component molecules.
Perhaps not the soil, or the metal, or their component molecules, but what of the lifeforms themselves?
The bacteria settled on a layer above them, releasing component molecules that were lighter still, and floated higher.
Several dozen Auditors were breaking these down into their component molecules.
Which meant that I couldn't take the easy way out of reducing gravy-stained Vaska to his component molecules.
Take your body apart into its component molecules in less than a minute... A silly method, if you hadn't guessed.
Any action and I'll blow you into your component molecules and use them for fuel in my mass converter.
A few minutes later, when the shock wave hit the ship, the Titan would be shattered, likely into its component molecules.
Moments later, they were dispersing clouds, every bit of matter suddenly shattered into its component molecules and atoms.