He composes, among others, the hymn of the society.
Standing on the same terrace, the three watchtowers are connected to each other inside and compose a rarely seen structure among all sections of Great Wall.
He composed among other works six operas between 1839 and 1865, and a violin concerto.
He also composed, among other things, Ballad of Yubei.
He composed, among other works, a concerto for piano and incidental music for film.
Gharnati composed an elegy praising his daughter's standing among the era's intellectual circles, indicating the extent that her death affected him.
Because Widmer, a pensive person who lists playing the piano and composing music among his hobbies, has thought this out.
Ndombe Opetum is credited with composing the following songs for the band, among others:
He composed, among other works, a cello sonata, a violin concerto, and numerous piano pieces.
Youlou Mabiala is credited with composing the following songs for the band, among others: