The ground is composed of a black spongelike substance and flickers with a trillion infinitesimal glimmers.
According to Zhang, all things of the world are composed of a primordial substance called qi.
There was a bandage around it, composed of a hard clay-like substance, interwoven with grass or a woody fiber of some kind.
The skeleton of the Venus sea fan is composed of calcite and a collagen-like substance.
Sanharak: Sanharak's body is fully composed of a stone-like substance,which grants him super-human strength and durability.
Above them the walls towered some thirty feet in height, composed of a smooth greenish substance that shone almost like glass.
It was composed of a rubbery substance of a very hard consistency, such that it could only be cut with great difficulty.
The majority of the vegetable is composed of a much softer substance known as the "meat".
Composed of a gleaming black substance that resembled both glass and stone, its overall affect was insectoid and sinister.
Diamond's entire body is composed of a substance very similar to (and possibly stronger than) terrestrial diamonds.