The foreign composer chosen was Hector Berlioz.
The composer chosen for this tribute is a far cry from Wagner.
Mr. Reich is one of the established composers most frequently chosen by modern-dance and ballet choreographers today, along with Philip Glass and John Adams.
The prize, called the Elise L. Stoeger Composer's Chair, will consist of $40,000 to $50,000 given every two years to a deserving American composer chosen by the society.
The American composer chosen by Mr. Mulligan was himself.
As each concerto was finished, a young composer chosen by the Council would visit the schools in a particular region of Strathclyde and would address the students concerning the concerto and the process of its composition.
Her first major composing role was in 2002, when she was one of three composers chosen to write the soundtrack to Final Fantasy XI.
The other composers chosen for these four concerts were indeed explorers in their time.
For Jon Magnussen, the young composer chosen by Ms. Maxwell, "The Winged" offered a challenge.
The 13 composers, chosen by lot, ranged from Carlo Coccia, 10 years older than Rossini himself, to Pietro Platania, comparatively youthful at 41.