A likely explanation is that both composers took the theme from another unknown source.
Some composers take the use of silence in music to an extreme.
Many distinguished composers and performers have taken part in its concerts.
Both the director and the composer take a cosmic view of the earth and its ills.
But the ideal model that the composers took for their verses appears to have been the golden line.
In 1933 the composer returned to Moscow, where he earned a meager living by teaching and taking occasional jobs.
But the composer, who converted at the age of 7, took his new faith to heart and wrote a great deal of church music.
Typically, some 150 composers from more than 40 countries take part each year.
The composer can then take liberties regarding the theoretical nature of the music to which he sets the text.
The composer, who started the company in 1977, took it public in 1986.