The operations you can perform on all the composite objects often have a least common denominator relationship.
This makes a composite object that results from subtracting the area that the two shapes overlap.
Composition is a kind of association very similar to aggregation except where the composite object has sole responsibility for the disposition of the component parts.
Composition enforces encapsulation as the component parts usually are members of the composite object.
The center of mass of a composite object behaves like a point particle.
Ahead were several pieces of stationary metallic and composite objects, active with thermals and nucleonics.
The indices are identifying a location inside the composite object, at which the part of it that we want to use resides.
Often variables contain composite objects, for instance a list of things rather than, say, an integer.
If these particles were to collide and stick, the mass of the composite object would be 10 GeV/c.
Every composite material object is made up of elementary particles, and the only such composite objects are living organisms.