Dryden points out the compositional differences, saying:
Due to this compositional difference, bangjja (unlike other kinds of bronzeware) can be sterilized.
These morphological differences are thought to reflect compositional differences (i.e., interlayered ice, rock, or water) in the subsurface at the time of impact.
The compositional differences between the short story and its source material need only be sketched here.
However, recent studies using x-ray and electron diffraction have been able to identify compositional differences that separate one type of whitlockite from another.
The fundamental compositional difference between Western silica-natron glass and the unique Chinese lead glass, however, may indicate a quite different development.
Even among press juice there are compositional difference between the various "factions" of juice produced from initial pressing through subsequent (and usually harsher) pressing.
There seem also to be other compositional differences, such as in the silicates which make up the greater part of both planets.
The significant compositional differences are in the gaze and right hand of the angel.
While the technique clearly illustrates changes in minerals which reflect genuine compositional differences, the method by which such phenomena occur is not understood.