The creative search for primary performance material was diverted, in such works, in keeping with the demands of the notation or compositional scheme.
What's distinctive about it is that, like the battle painting, it is animated by a complex compositional scheme.
Prints and copies of Italian masterpieces circulated and suggested certain compositional schemes.
Because of his demonstrated interest in all aspects of art, it is fair to speculate that Asian compositional schemes might have influenced this near abstraction.
The effect in "Line of Approach," as it turned out, was ambiguous enough to justify the compositional scheme, but on the whole much more static than dynamic.
As a counterpoint to the glitz, the compositional schemes retain a fetching primitive quality.
This focus on combining the formal elements of color, shape and compositional scheme to make a good picture, never interfered with an overall joy of discovery through the act of painting.
An odd tension occurs, too, in a closeup of a Kabuki actor's face that allows the artifice of traditional bold makeup patterns to become both subject and dominant compositional scheme.
West became known for his large scale history paintings, which use expressive figures, colours and compositional schemes to help the spectator to identify with the scene represented.
Our eyes will focus not on velocity but on volatility, on de Kooning's ability to make his images wriggle and buckle, never quite settling into the seat belt of a single compositional scheme.