The same compounds, called prostaglandins, are also involved in the pain response, he explained.
All species have chemical compounds called phenols, which are common to many other plants.
These combinations make up the group of compounds called bile salts.
The company said the process makes it simpler to produce a large class of pharmaceutical compounds called amines.
Because it is easy to remove the proton with even a weak base, these compounds are called acids.
One compound in this herb, called harmine, may cause euphoria.
After many failures, the research team synthesized a group of compounds called aryloxyphenylpropylamines.
A related class of compounds called hydrazines do not carry an acyl group.
The insecticidal activity is thought to be caused by compounds called chromenes.
In the test tube, it is easy to change adrenalin to a compound called "adrenochrome."