The scientific lessons learned over the last three decades have been captured in sophisticated comprehensive energy simulation computer software systems (like U.S. DOE Energy Plus, et al.).
As he noted in his speech, a year ago the House passed "a strong and comprehensive energy and climate bill."
"Congressional Quarterly" called Israel's comprehensive energy security proposals "an ambitious blueprint for energy issues."
The APA is a comprehensive energy and climate policy that finally puts America first by forging a new American economy, strengthening national security, and protecting the environment for future generations.
Senator Lieberman is optimistic that the Senate will take up and pass this comprehensive energy and climate legislation this year.
The project includes a comprehensive energy management systems upgrade, which will optimize the operations for all air handling units, heating and chiller plants, emergency generators and critical equipment.
In the US House of Representatives the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a comprehensive energy and climate bill on May 21, 2010.
When the dust settles, the lawmakers may produce the first comprehensive national energy policy in a decade.
Earlier in the day, President Obama met with a bipartisan group of Senators in the Cabinet room to discuss the importance of passing comprehensive energy and climate legislation this year.
Today, President Obama met with a bipartisan group of Senators to discuss the need for comprehensive energy and climate legislation.