The territory of the canton comprises land acquired by the city.
But real estate professionals say the sales of the portion comprising raw land will have little effect in most states.
The area is rural, and largely comprises agricultural land.
A. Ours comprises land and water that is already held in public trust by one or more of a variety of agencies.
The manor comprised lands differentiated by legal status and by physical characteristics.
With the exception of 'other assets', comprising land, buildings and equipment, building society non-mortgage assets are generally very liquid.
Interwar Czechoslovakia comprised lands and peoples that were far from being integrated into a modern nation-state.
The electoral district was created in 1993 and comprised land that had existed in three electoral districts.
The remainder comprises mountains, unexploited waterways and land used for miscellaneous purposes.
The remaining 87.52% constitutes undeveloped area, comprising lands such as land under water, agriculture and vacant lands.