It also comprises other young singers - often ex-choral scholars from university college choirs and student singers based in London.
The group initially comprised former singers from Clare College, where Rutter had previously been the music director.
Furthermore the school has an elite singing group, the Barbershop Boys, comprising top singers selected from the chapel choir.
The cast also comprised first-rate singers.
The main lyrics are performed by John Cleese, accompanied by a small chorus comprising Eric Idle and other singers.
During 2006 Welch established The Choir of Hard Knocks comprising homeless and disadvantaged singers from Melbourne.
The Boys and Girls categories then comprised singers aged 16 to 28, rather than 16 to 25.
Primarily this dance is more often performed by groups that usually comprise singers, dancers and also back up musicians.
Later, the group became a duo comprising singers, Soni Moreno and Pura Fé before eventually becoming a trio.
The two casts for "Don Giovanni" comprised experienced singers, but there was not a gray hair among them.