However, from 1988 to 1994, cycling to school (which comprises about 20% of trips for children under 15) declined by 38.1%.
Today, the four gas giants comprise just under 99% of all the mass orbiting the Sun.
The column was spread out in an untidy straggle half a mile long, for it comprised just under a thousand men.
The university features a computer network comprising 560 student-accessible computers, all of them under 3 years old, available in 30 labs on campus.
In 1713 the site comprised four corn mills under the control of Stephen Jenner.
It comprises a large rock and two smaller rocks under a hawthorn.
The orchestra comprises 52 professional musicians under full-time contract.
There are over two million Catholics in the country, comprising just under half of the country's total population.
The army build-up comprised three brigades under the command of a lieutenant-general.
Together, they comprise the city of Kyoto, under a single mayor and city council.