It could not be published then because no Venezuelan publisher would dare risk printing a book written by one who was in such compromising position.
Part of that snoop report was a photograph of you and Marian in what you lawyers call a 'compromising position.'
To read them, Gob has to lie on the ground, meaning Michael has to straddle him in a very compromising position.
"Ol'Deco himself, with a female crewmate in a very compromising position."
Sephy and the other two accused priests in a "compromising position".
This would be followed by a four-second stock film clip before coming back for another commercial, usually catching Art and the Matinee Lady in a very compromising position.
The chargesheet also mentions that Bhanwari made two video recordings, in different locations, showing Maderna and her in a "compromising position".
In a most compromising position.
The magazine had shown him in a 'compromising position' with Gypsy Granny.