About 6% of women and men qualified as compulsive buyers, based on a scale designed to separate compulsive shoppers from everyone else.
As a compulsive buyer, he beat all of us women.
Easy as it is to exceed one's budget during the holidays, compulsive buyers like Kevin face that temptation with weakened defenses.
Some leading psychologists estimate that five million Americans, or about 2 percent of the population, are compulsive buyers.
Holiday buying sprees merely exacerbate problems for compulsive buyers.
We were compulsive buyers.
In the study, 24 compulsive buyers are taking Celexa, already approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an antidepressant, over a 12-week period.
"The South Americans love glamour, and they're compulsive buyers," she said.
Most good dealers are compulsive buyers, and it takes a sympathetic backer to control without stifling flair.
One study found that 20% of compulsive buyers also suffer from an eating disorder.