Many countries still have compulsory service, often beginning before young men turn 18.
He started compulsory military service in 1904 but dropped out after a year.
He worked there until 1962, except for two years of compulsory military service from 1957 to 1960.
From 1953 to 1955 he performed the compulsory military service.
Until 1996, France had compulsory military service of young men.
Only young men from among the country's five million whites are called up for compulsory service.
As for the land army, 60,000 men have been called up since the introduction of compulsory military service.
Yes, and compulsory service was only six years under the Republic, but now, you must fight for what?
He left a job as research assistant there to do his compulsory military service, then work in the police.
Between 1968-1970, he carried out the compulsory military service in the Soviet army.