Last year, the magazine had to publish an extensive correction after a computational error was discovered.
The sequence could contain computational or typographical errors.
One can therefore omit the values y from the computation (although they can be useful to check for computational errors).
The possibility of observational errors, which include measurement and computational errors, has been advanced as a reason for interpreting the data as an anomaly.
But that is because those students can avoid computational errors, not because of the design of the test, said Kevin Gonzalez, a spokesman for the service.
Well "boring" it may be, but it prevents many computational errors when doing conversions.
(There were some computational errors in his work, which were fixed by B. Gambier and R. Fuchs.)
The virus is designed to create computational errors in the program's spreadsheets.
Today, you personally proposed in your statement that it be extended to seven years, which obviously means that a computational error was made.
This was apparently the result of a "computational error" at the Central bank of Venezuela, declaring "collapsed" the international reserves.