Because of the computational expense, MHE has generally been applied to systems where there are greater computational resources and moderate to slow system dynamics.
The introduction of polarizability into force fields in common use has been inhibited by the high computational expense associated with calculating the local electrostatic field.
Significant errors can present themselves in ab initio models comprising many electrons, due to the computational expense of full relativistic-inclusive methods.
Due to the computational expense of the convolution operation, the Voigt profile is often approximated using a pseudo-Voigt profile.
Without careful placement of mesh either the accuracy will suffer unacceptably, or the computational expense will be too great to be useful.
The computational expense per step is associated chiefly with finding "q", since the remainder "r" can be calculated quickly from "r", "r", and "q"
In magnetized plasmas, a gyrokinetic approach can substantially reduce the computational expense of a fully kinetic simulation.
The problem of computational expense can be alleviated through simplification schemes.
This reduces the overall computational expense of a purely Lagrangian approach while being more accurate than the traditional Eulerian method.
The fixed iteration count has caused this scheme to lose the computational expense that it once enjoyed and variable numbers of rounds are now favoured.