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To reduce computational load, the concept of virtual time is introduced.
This is generally not used in real-time applications because of the number of division and square-root operations which comes with a high computational load.
The method we used leads to an increase in the computational load but a gain in simplicity.
When choosing a hash algorithm, make sure it is one that has some significant computational load associated with it.
If they had, the computational load - already severe because of the number of soldiers - would have increased dramatically.
The computational load from double decryption made the image jerky.
There is a wide variety of algorithms, of differing complexity and computational load, that can be used for this process.
Today's increasingly parallel computational loads suggests, however, this might not be the disadvantage it's been made out to be in the past.
There are simplifications to reduce the computational load.
Furthermore, sea skimming involves a significant computational load, increasing the required processing power and cost.