The score function also plays an important role in computational statistics, as it can play a part in the computation of maximum likelihood estimates.
The project brings together recent developments in computational statistics and high-performance computing to make these widely available to research workers for the analysis of large and complex datasets.
His research interests include multivariate statistics, classification methods, pattern recognition, the computational statistics and the foundations of statistics.
Standard normal random variables are frequently used in computer science, computational statistics, and in particular, in applications of the Monte Carlo method.
This series started publishing in 1972, and publishes papers related to computational statistics.
Several methods of computational statistics have close connections with Bayesian analysis:
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes papers related to computational statistics.
Wegman is credited with coining the phrase "computational statistics" and developing a high-profile research program around the concept that computing resources could transform statistical techniques.
In recent decades, Grenander contributed to computational statistics, image processing, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence.
Following the introduction of linear programming and Dantzig's simplex algorithm, the -norm was used in computational statistics.