When encountered a trap handler could decode the sNaN and return an index to the computed result.
This cancellation illustrates the danger in assuming that all of the digits of a computed result are meaningful.
Key to its versatility was the ability to branch; it could trigger different operations that depended on the sign of a computed result.
We have to see how this affects the computed results.
The computed result of the 1988 project was:
The systematic behavior implements the execution model of the language, as opposed to implementing semantics that contribute to a particular computed result.
Another type of caching is storing computed results that will likely be needed again, or memoization.
The bits marked x in the table above are ignored on input, but will always be 0 in computed results.
In contrast to this, users themselves have to decide in many cases whether the computed result is what they need or it is necessary to continue computations.
Each computed result is placed under that results' source creating a two-dimensional representation of the system's evolution.