Now the computer lets elevators look at one another and adjust to changing circumstances.
The computer can automatically adjust on-site equipment to maximize efficiency.
The vehicle's computer assesses the information from the sensors and adjusts the suspension accordingly.
If the driver has lost or gained weight, the computer can automatically adjust the menu suggestions.
Move the book away from you or toward you, and the computer will adjust the image so the building looks smaller or larger.
The computer, as a result, would adjust the call center's acceptance rate automatically, greatly reducing the overloading problem.
No matter what you do, the computer adjusts for it, and compensates.
By the time the computer had adjusted its thinking to the situation, Pias was well into action.
The computer adjusted to render her unconscious, but the gas was designed for the natives, not a far smaller person.
He centered the target in his pipper, and the on-board computer adjusted for the range.