The computer simply assists in the delivery, she said.
However, computers have also assisted cryptanalysis, which has compensated to some extent for increased cipher complexity.
Cardinal was one of the first North American architects to use computers to assist in the design process.
Kimber was the head of the FBI division that uses computers to assist investigations.
Neku's partner on the top screen can be controlled by the player using the face buttons, although players can use options to have the computer assist them.
Through provision of computer databases, hardware, software and training, the new database section has enabled many geologists to use computers to assist them in their work.
The computer assists the typist by using heuristics to guess which character is most likely desired.
However, he gained some experience in composing and arranging pieces, using both the piano and a computer to assist him.
Have the computer assist you, George.
The computer assists the audiologist in interpreting the response to sound stimuli provided through an earphone placed on the child's ear.