The stone floor was overhead, with the chair and computer consoles hanging from it.
The elevator led down to a deep underground chamber studded with display screens and computer consoles.
I really want this, would make a nice addition to my 'game room' where my computer, and eventually my sons console will reside.
The computer consoles that had been set down in a hastily cleared area seemed almost jarringly modern amid the dust.
Also, watch out "power users that use multiple computers, smartphones, and game consoles at the same time."
The computer will then automatically map out the best route, flashing it in green on the wall and the computer consoles.
In front of it was a long, curved table with banks of phones, television units, and computer consoles.
The computer consoles still loomed gigantic above the men passing among them.
For example, one may own both a computer and a video games console, subsequently owning two DVD players.
It had once been somebody's office, but now there were six teletypes and computer consoles installed there.