A similar method is used to manipulate a computer cursor, with the subject thinking about forward, left, right and back movements of the cursor.
The experiment saw ten patients trained to move a computer cursor by controlling their brainwaves.
Like his performance in other tasks, Mr. Nagle's control of the computer cursor was not particularly smooth.
There are other remarkable (if true) experiments with monkeys that control computer cursors with their brains alone.
One instance is a brain-computer interface which allows a person with disabilities to control a computer cursor through the power of thought alone.
As the student moves the computer cursor across the text, an English translation of each word appears below.
For a quadriplegic, something as basic as controlling a computer cursor via mental commands would represent a revolutionary improvement in quality of life.
Cassidy twiddled his computer cursor, told the magic box to attack the target he had programmed while still on the ground.
The decoder connects to and can use the brain signals to control an external device, such as a robotic arm, a computer cursor, or even a wheelchair.
The blinking computer cursor selected three figures from the scene, framed their faces in a heavy white outline, then enlarged them.