Afterward, Sisko records a personal log regarding his feelings about the entire affair, lamenting the fact that he appears to feel no remorse for his actions, before having the computer delete the entire log entry.
The computer then automatically deletes any pauses the caller makes, including "Uhhs" and "Umms," before forwarding the condensed version to an operator who listens to the information and then looks up the listing.
When you tell a computer to delete a file, it appears to obey you.
The backspace is distinct from the delete key, which in paper media for computers would punch out all the holes to strike out a character, and in modern computers deletes text following it.
When a file is deleted, the computer generally only deletes the directory reference to the file, not the actual data.
How important is it for a drug company or a pharmacy to not have its computer files altered or deleted by hackers?
The computer then deletes who actually started the syringes so that participants are not aware if their syringe contained saline or one of the drugs necessary for execution (to assuage guilt in a manner similar to the blank cartridge in execution by firing squad).
When the user presses the backspace key, the computer can either delete the character before the cursor, or the character at the cursor, which introduces this ambiguity (see ASCII).
Should the law require software that instructs computers to delete certain kinds of information?
Once you exit our application, your computer deletes the cookie from your computer.