If a candidate does not want to file a computer form, the county will take the paper documents and input the data, Dr. Jacknis said.
She sighed, sat at the reception desk, reached for a stylus and a computer form.
Plenty of people grumble about computers that consider their birthdate nonexistent when they need to enter it on computer forms.
The routeing guide now being available in computer form means that the traveller is one step removed from the rules of the system.
There is no need to transcribe the results into a computer form.
The second leaf of that computer form remained at MD and was mi-crofilmed.
You fill out a computer form and you get back a form telling you what work you've been assigned.
Well, almost never; it hurts to discover that your attorney has charged you several hundred dollars to type a standard computer form.
Few of these are directly meaningful to humans, being already transformed into computer manipulable forms.
Schemas - Whether the language definition is available in a computer interpretable form.