Force feedback is an old concept to computer gamers, but this is a newer addition to a mouse for the general public.
System builders are often either computer gamers or individuals whose requirements can't be fulfilled by a practical cost efficient pre-built PC.
For decades computer gamers and console gamers have been one people separated by a common pastime (to mangle a phrase).
I'm a board gamer, not a computer gamer.
Most older games were not created to take advantage of the Internet and the low latency, high bandwidth Internet connections available to computer gamers today.
Mr. Alavi markets hardware that allows computer gamers to redesign their Xbox dashboards.
Icemat is a manufacturer, distributor and online retailer of a line of products targeted primarily at computer gamers.
Matthew is a shark fan, while Curtis, a die-hard computer gamer and budding intellect, is an avowed bear man.
However, this misconception appealed to early computer gamers who were looking for something different and made the Wizardry series popular.