The tax code is so complex that more than 80 percent of individual taxpayers use an accountant or a computer-based program to prepare their tax return.
That goes back to putting together a song on a computer-based program.
She compared the results of students who had taken the regular lecture course with those of students using the computer-based programme and found no statistical difference in the amount of learning.
Moving to a computer-based program seems the logical next step, said Tom Rogers, who took over as chairman and chief executive of Primedia, Channel One's parent, a month ago.
The Institute for the Future offers hands-on computer-based programs in a fun and interesting environment.
The Carnegie Learning software is by no means the only computer-based instructional program on the market.
Isaac M. Marks, MRCPsych, a British psychiatrist renowned for his work with fears and phobias, says a computer-based program can help people with these problems.
After being founded in 1992, MRIS operated as a computer-based program on the Windows 3.1 operating system, with proprietary software issued by MRIS.
Scientific virtual models and figures, digital mapping, and other computer-based visual programs are all tools available as resources for higher education in schools.
Emphasizing a results-oriented administration, he promised to develop a computer-based program called Citystat to monitor city repairs and maintenance, and to streamline the proecess of obtaining licences and permits.