Planners also use estimates based on computerized analyses of census, utility, transportation and other data.
Currie's (1982) classification of the Younginiformes had been accepted by many scientists before they could perform large and computerized analyses.
Computational human phantoms are models of the human body used in computerized analysis.
"I find it most peculiar that three vital projects planned with such meticulous forethought and computerized analysis should have failed."
But it shouldn't be necessary to tell you, Jim, that I work much more happily on the basis of personal reactions than computerized analyses.
An independently conducted computerized digital analysis says yes.
The computerized analysis will then predict how an investment in particular new computer systems would increase the customer's earnings.
The findings were based on a computerized analysis of nearly four decades of visibility records collected at 137 observation stations.
CT combines the use of x-rays with computerized analysis of the images.
As the former, it often includes computerized linguistic analysis of responses to qualitative surveys and may involve psychological "right brain" (emotional) research techniques.