Transit PD can send out a computerized communication notifying police in the Bowery that there is a parade at such and such a time.
Social commentary can be practiced through all forms of communication, from printed form, to conversations to computerized communication.
These advantages are further multiplied by the computerized communications that speed information and money around the world virtually free of charge.
The 4th edition's "Commentary on Chapter VIII" discusses computerized communications which were unavailable in 1947.
A computerized communications device.
Today such cities flourish all over the world - connected by a global economy, computerized communications, easy air travel, shared tastes in fashions, food, music and film.
Specifically, this book is about certain strange events in the year 1990, an unprecedented and startling year for the the growing world of computerized communications.
Computer-data scrambling, or cryptography, is widely seen as the most crucial technology underlying a wide range of new computerized communications and commerce applications.
This state of the art system involves computerized communication between the aircraft and a computer satellite, providing full mission replay.
But it conveys with equal potency what Manuel Castel calls the space of flows: the fluid, shifting network of computerized communication.