Nicolau Nasoni introduced in Portugal the concave form of the retable and the undulant arch at the top.
The building presents a very large and weighty façade to the front, but this effect is reduced by the concave form.
It arose from the concave form of the gallery and the conducting power of the rock.
Inscribed in the logic of an unlivable society, murder thus conceived can only appear as the concave form of the gift.
Zelma Loseke's woven willow baskets assume concave forms that are reminiscent of seashells.
The timber ceiling is in a concave form and is made up of three rows of six rectangular panels.
The inferior surface, slightly concave and rough, forms, with the corresponding surface of the opposite bone, the posterior fourth of the hard palate.
The queens average 2.5 mm in length, and have a concave form and large pads and claws.
In soft rocks a profile drawn normally to the beach would show a concave form comparable with the long profile of a river.
The abstract bronze sculpture includes sloping concave forms, vaguely female curves, and a rounded crown; it is installed on the patio.