Gregorio was forced to resign in 1983 after being convicted of conspiracy for concealing his ownership of two go go bars that were operated by his son.
Prosecutors charge that Mr. Wade fraudulently concealed his ownership of one Whitewater lot from the Federal bankruptcy court.
Joorabchian subsequently claimed that many Premier League players and teams conceal their third-party ownership of players.
The prosecution has said Mr. Khashoggi backdated documents to help the Marcoses conceal their ownership of four buildings in Manhattan.
In past corruption scandals, many Japanese politicians used the names of subordinates or family members to conceal their own ownership.
This arrangement enabled Seemala to conceal its ownership and buy more stock with borrowed money than Federal law permits.
Parking involves placing stock with a third party in order to conceal its ownership and circumvent securities laws.
To conceal her true ownership, all concerned endorsed the fiction that she was being constructed as the Egyptian warship El Tousson.
The agency has concealed its ownership behind a web of seven shell corporations that appear to have no employees and no function apart from owning the aircraft.
They allegedly, through hidden entities located in foreign jurisdictions, concealed their ownership and trading of those securities.