Six strategic planning teams concentrate on demographic groups and consumer panels offer insights on such subjects as how children wear clothing.
The strategy of 'unequal investment'- deliberately concentrating attention on specific groups - was a conscious response to the dilemmas of grouping.
Solutions that concentrate on groups, on the other hand, fail to take into account the real nature of employment systems.
Increasingly, probation departments are trying to refine their work, concentrating their resources on high-risk groups and increasing enforcement.
Gaston and Mound offer sensible advice: concentrate our forces on selected groups.
"Investors should remain cautious and buyers might want to concentrate on sold-out groups like utilities and telephones, especially the Baby Bells."
Hospital studies on asthma attacks have concentrated on specific groups of patients (adults or children) or have been confined to specific geographical areas.
Theme tours concentrate on a specific country, region, time period, art movement, or groups of artists.
Its eight exhibitions hoped to establish a high standard for other artists and concentrated on small, carefully hung groups of works by leading Canadian artists.
In some cases Mr. Sheikh concentrates on particular groups within the camps.