During the recent years, he has been concentrating his activities primarily towards the academic development of transfusion medicine and to provide free factors to hemophiliacs.
Concentrate on getting through the cutout who does the paying off and try to get on farther up the pipeline towards the big men.
The industrialized countries had been forced to concentrate all of their resources towards the arms industry.
This was in contrast to Schumpeter's theory that technology would only serve to concentrate ownership and wealth towards large corporations.
In the last few years, Shirley has been concentrating her artistic efforts towards pure light sculpture.
However his talent at that time was not wanted by anyone and he could concentrate his attention towards scientific problems.
They worked by concentrating sound waves towards a central point, where a microphone would have been located.
It concentrates its efforts towards causes focused on public policy at a national and international level.
It concentrates its efforts towards causes focused on families, women, children, and animal welfare.
With this disc they left aside the social and street matter found in previous albums and concentrated more towards love.