The fighting on possibly three fronts appears to suggest a concentrated assault, if indeed Ethiopia has begun an offensive.
But the remainder of the concentrated assault struck true.
However, Suvorov's plan assumed the fast and concentrated assault on the Polish defences rather than a bloody and lengthy siege.
March 21 Attempting a final concentrated assault before U.S. forces are fully involved, German troops mass for an offensive on the Western Front.
"One lone guy, even a ghost, gives me a lot more comfort than a concentrated assault by the federal government, and with no regard for the rules of play."
It was the most concentrated assault on shipping since the war began in 1980.
It took a concentrated assault by the dwarves and the griffon corps to overcome him.
The Jotun host began to split and give way before our concentrated assault.
If I could keep the enemy from massing for a concentrated assault, we would have a good chance of holding them off.
Officials who work with animals say it is the most concentrated legal assault on a specific breed they can recall.