Then the Brain systematized all the data and reduced it to a concentrated essence of pure thought.
If not quite so potent as the latter, it is because a diluted product can never achieve the intensity of a concentrated essence.
Long after the dress (and Ms. Smith) disappeared, the concentrated essence of their glamour remains.
It's about being the concentrated, magnified, essence of you.
In it you behold the concentrated essence of scientific achievement.
You know, even better than I do, that you are playing with the most concentrated essence of energy that the world has ever seen.
Instead of being human and down-to-earth, faith becomes a fragrant, concentrated essence.
Some days there is also a sweet, satisfying corn soup that tastes like the concentrated essence of summer.
The plants were also poisonous if one inhaled their concentrated essence.
Each cover of a true book enfolds the concentrated essence of a man.