They are able to trap the werewolf in the concentrated light of the full moon collected by the diamond.
The concentrated light on the receivers of the towers is directly transported to these blocks.
They provided the intense concentrated light of an arc lamp but were easier to operate.
Other cemented eyepieces can be damaged by the intense, concentrated light of the Sun.
Bright as an auto-da-fe in the concentrated light, the Bill studied her for a long moment.
Rising in the glare of concentrated lights, a spectral form rose suddenly to view.
Most lasers, which are beams of highly concentrated light, create high temperatures and significant thermal damage when they cut, he said.
A narrow beam of highly concentrated light arose in front of them.
The concentrated light was scarcely visible, but it bit into the oozer school instantaneously.
An overhead lamp with a green steel shade cast her in a cone of concentrated light.