A concentrated version of this formula is available in the Spike Double Shot, a 4.26 oz.
Ray had often noted that people's younger brothers or sisters seemed to have more concentrated versions of their older sibling's features.
Before giving the medication, parents and caregivers need to know whether they have the less concentrated version or the older, more concentrated medication.
It was as if he was now drinking a concentrated version of the water he had just tasted in the cave above.
Dogs have such short life spans, it's like a concentrated version of a human life.
Maybe this is concentrated version of how we all sound lately.
Youngsters living outside Reykjavík can take the course as a concentrated version during two weekends.
In liquid form these products are often a more concentrated version of solvent based hard surface cleaners.
This multiple activity on a theme was a concentrated version of what the Pillow does every week with a heterogeneous collection of artists.
These concentrated versions have to be pretty fresh, but things like the headache potion are needed often enough that they're used up before they go weak.