The concentrations of alkaloids in all parts of the plant differ markedly.
They all contain various concentrations of vitamins but those concentrations differ between species and even between different animals from the same species, depending on their individual diet.
All are well absorbed, but peak concentration may differ between the coxibs.
In normal years this period corresponds to the Dry season and the concentration of plant chemicals may differ from other times of the year.
The concentration of other essential cationic metals in gastric juice did not differ between healthy subjects and those with peptic ulcer disease.
We conclude that the amplifications were reproducible and that good proportionality of RNA was maintained during amplification even if the concentration of poly(A) +RNA differed by tenfold.
The concentration of electrolytes in bile from patients with stones in the gall bladder did not differ significantly from controls.
When reactant concentrations differ from standard conditions, the cell potential will deviate from the standard potential.
The concentration differs considerably from other Santalum species.
The concentration of resveratrol in different wine differs.