The Eadie-Hofstee regression has some bias toward fitting the data in the low concentration range.
The Scatchard regression is biased toward fitting the data in the high concentration range.
It has some bias toward fitting the data in the middle and high concentration range.
The model can not describe extrema in the activity coefficient along the concentration range.
The concentration range is from ppm to 100 per cent.
One does not want to have less than 4 ppm DO in the water because at this concentration range, fish can normally not survive.
If the signal response is linear in this concentration range, then a plot similar to what is shown above is generated.
But like other basic tastes, with the exception of sucrose, umami is pleasant only within a relatively narrow concentration range.
What we're trying for is a broader detergent concentration range.
The calculated ratios were highly reproducible and similar across the entire concentration range tested.