His concentration on this one building type reflected his own perception of asylum architecture as an "almost distinct profession in itself".
That concentration of oil pollution, the authors said, reflects the density of people, vehicles and other sources in the corridor from Washington to Boston.
So the unusual concentration of high-profile cases for the March and April arguments simply reflects the fact that most of them reached the justices' desks during the fall.
The concentration of economic policy-making power in the White House also reflects the ascendancy of economic issues to the top of the Administration agenda.
This concentration of so much political power into the hands of two families does not reflect well on the health of our democracy or republican government.
Furthermore, the higher concentrations used in this study reflect total bile salt concentrations in human colon.
In our patient it seems probable that the low concentrations reflected the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
That the manganese oxide contains uranium is shown by the autoradiograph right, in which dense concentrations of alpha tracks reflect the manganese oxide's distribution.
Nonetheless, most economists believe that the greater concentration of wealth both reflected and reinforced the growing inequality of incomes during the 1970's and 1980's.