But the concept calls for a tricky balance.
The original concept called for a futuristic €35m building in London.
The concept originally called for an administrative building and a council building, with a courtyard in between.
What is less controversial is the central function of an individual or the concept called the self.
With the concept of group calling, group members need not be together at all times for group work.
The original concept called for an enclave of for-sale town houses.
Corbusier's original concept called for a pause in the film while his voice was heard, speaking directly to the audience.
The concept of a single answering point for emergency calls to public safety agencies caught on quickly.
The original concept called for a small temporary camp that could hold up to 300 detainees for no more than 72 hours.
In cooperative game theory he contributed to the solution concepts called the core and the Shapley value.