This concept will generate more than $6 Trillion each year by the year 2076.
The events in Antwerp gave the hellburners an immediate notoriety; the concept generated enormous interest with military experts all over Europe.
The concept later generates the word "stereotyping".
The concept was that bringing together people from different intellectual horizons and "making" them meet, would bring added value and generate innovation.
The concept of the tool replacing pedagogy so instrumentalists can tick boxes rather than generate critical thinking and a genuinely innovative approach to knowledge.
Without memoing the theory is superficial and the concepts generated not very original.
The concept of floor, or minimum, prices has generated considerable controversy in the co-op community.
The millet concept generated this fragmentation and enabled to coexist in a mosaic of cultures.
This concept has generated scientific pursuit towards defying our physical parameters.
Since that first Bud Bowl, the concept has generated more controversy than a referee's contested call.